Try saying this Irish language word:
It's all about...
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Law Ale-yeh Pawd-rig Saint Patrick's Day
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Saint Patrick's Day is a religious holiday in Ireland, happening each year on March 17th.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Law Ale-yeh Pawd-rig
Lá Fhéile Pádraig celebrates the patron saint of Ireland - Patrick, who lived in the beginning of the 5th century AD.
Patrick himself was a Welsh man, who learned to speak the Irish language!
But you've probably heard about the parades already or even been to one, so leaving the facts aside, in this Bitesize Irish lesson you are going to learn some crucial Irish language expressions to get you through the day.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Law Ale-yeh Pawd-rig St. Patrick's Day
Lá 'le Pádraig Law leh Pawd-rig St. Patrick's Day.
This is simply a shorter version of the previous phrase. It drops part of the word "féile", making it quicker to say. To sound closer to how a native speaker would name the festival, we recommend using this version.
or a more recent saying:
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit! Law Ale-yeh Pawd-rig Sunna Ditch! Happy St. Patrick's Day! (singular)
Here are several more expression that might help on the day:
lá saoire law see-ra holiday (a single day, not a vacation)
Ádh na nÉireannach Awe nah Nay-ron-okh Luck of the Irish
Pionta Guinness, le do thoil. Pyun-tah Guinness, leh duh huh-ill. A pint of Guinness, please.
Sláinte is táinte! Sloyne-cheh iss toyne-cheh! Health and wealth!
Tabhair póg dom, is Éireannach mé. Tow-ir powg dum, iss Aye-ron-okh may. Kiss me, I'm Irish.
An bhfuil tú ar meisce go fóill? On will too err mesh-ka guh foal? Are you drunk yet?
uisce beatha ish-kuh baha whiskey
Éire go brách Ayr-eh guh brawkh Ireland forever
Is Éireannach mé! Iss Aye-ron-okh may! I'm Irish!
Go raibh maith agat. Guh rev mah a-gut. Thank you.
“It’s an easy way to learn the language and you do a very good job of keeping it easy to understand. I will be recommending you to a few of my friends as well!”
~ Racheal Breeden, Ohio USA.
“I have taken teaching Irish dance to a whole new level now because of Bitesize Irish. My students now understand and speak Gaelic as well from what I have learned. It’s very rewarding to me as a dance teacher not just to teach the steps, but also the language. Thanks Eoin!”
~ Amanda Atkinson, Michigan USA.